You are invited to join the webinar on Tuesday 16 June from 10.00 CEST - Follow the registration link and download the agenda

"Theoretical training on the applications of mass spectrometry coupled with two-dimensional comprehensive gaschromatography GCxGC-MS".You are invited to join the webinar on Tuesday 16 June from 10.00 CEST organized by the Mass Spectrometry Division with the University of Turin (Department of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology), Agilent Technologies and SRA Intruments.
The webinar of the 3rd GCxGC MS Virtual School will be dedicated to: “Theoretical training on the applications of mass spectrometry coupled with two-dimensional comprehensive gaschromatography GCxGC-MS”.
The event is organized by the Mass Spectrometry Division with the University of Turin (Department of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology), Agilent Technologies and SRA Intruments.
The participants are operators of the sectors, laboratory technicians, analysts, chemists, biologists, doctoral students, students who already used GC-MS for the analysis of complex samples and who want to deepen and / or start applying this technique.
The GCxGC MS Virtual School is divided into theoretical training modules based on the principles of technology and on the main instrumental solutions available on the market. To complete the basic aspects, the main application fields, in which the technique fully expresses its information potential, will be discussed.