Automated Solid Phase Extraction SPE

Technology: Sample automation


Automated SPE Option for standard cartridges, improved recovery, precision and reproducibility. Maximized sample throughput by performing SPE during GC or LC analysis of the preceding sample.


Performing Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) manually can be time consuming and nerve-racking, especially when recovery and reproducibility are lacking due to sample variability. If Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) can be reliably automated, it becomes a much more efficient and reproducible process.

The GERSTEL Multi Purpose Sampler (MPS) with Automated SPE Option for standard cartridges provides several benefits compared with manual Solid Phase Extraction:

  • Improved recovery, precision and reproducibility
  • Maximized sample throughput by performing SPE during GC or LC analysis of the preceding sample
  • More than 50 percent time saving for overall analysis, compared to manual processing

Following the SPE clean-up steps, the MPS can introduce the sample extract directly to an LC/MS or GC/MS system for analysis. As an alternative, the MPS WorkStation is used as a stand-alone sample preparation robot, preparing samples for multiple LC/MS or GC/MS systems in your laboratory.
The GERSTEL SPE enables automated sample preparation and analysis even for complex samples. Samples are prepared in a simple and safe manner combining accurate results with high throughput.

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