
Technology: Sample automation


Automated Filtration using the MPS


Suspended particles and matrix material in a sample can significantly influence analysis results and system stability. Removing particulate matter from a sample or extract prior to analysis is therefore critical for many GC/MS- and LC/MS analysis methods, particularly when large series of samples must be analyzed automatically.
The GERSTEL MultiPurpose Sampler (MPS) cleans up to 196 samples in a single automated sequence using a wide range of standard syringe filters. Filtration is performed in a simple and highly efficient manner as integral part of the automated sample preparation, for example combined with sample preparation steps such as dilution, derivatization, addition of standards and of course introduction of the cleaned and prepared sample to the LC/MS- or GC/MS system.
MAESTRO software operates all GERSTEL modules and system solutions in a simple, intuitive and efficient manner. All steps in the sample preparation method are set up by mouse-click. Sample preparation and analysis are performed in parallel thanks to the MAESTRO PrepAhead function for best possible productivity and system utilization.

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