MPS MultiPurpose Sampler

Technology: Sample automation


The MPS is a multifunctional autosampler and sample preparation robot for GC and GC/MS. The MPS provides modern analytical laboratories high throughput, high performance and unparalleled flexibility.


The MPS is a multifunctional autosampler and sample preparation robot for GC and GC/MS. The MPS provides modern analytical laboratories high throughput, high performance and unparalleled flexibility.

The MPS easily adapts to changing demands in the laboratory. A large number of modules and sample preparation technologies are available for the MPS.

The following techniques are easily automated using the MPS:

  • Solid Phase Extraction SPE
  • Disposable Pipette Extraction DPX
  • Dynamic HeadSpace DHS
  • Headspace HS
  • Solid Phase Micro Extraction SPME
  • Thermal desorption of solids or liquids in µ-vial inserts (ATEX)
  • Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction SBSE (GERSTEL Twister®)
  • Automated GC inlet Liner EXchange ALEX
  • Liquid sample preparation – Sample Prep by mouse-click:
  • Adding internal standard
  • Extraction or Dilution
  • Derivatization
  • Heated or cooled sample conditioning and agitation
  • Parallel evaporation and concentration (mVAP)
  • Reading and processing of barcodes
  • Integrated weighing option

The MPS is easily and conveniently controlled from the GERSTEL MAESTRO Software – stand-alone or integrated with the Agilent Technologies ChemStation: Just One method and one sequence table controls the entire system.
Sample preparation is performed during GC analysis of the preceding sample ensuring highest possible throughput and system utilization Sample Prep by mouse-click.

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